Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fearfully and wonderfully made

When we were about 11 or 12 weeks pregnant I started spotting, I freaked out a bit and on my next appointment (around week 13) the doctor ordered an ultrasound just to make sure everything was ok. At the ultrasound there was baby perfect, beautiful, moving and with a heart beating away! I couldn't hold my tears in, it was beautiful!

isn't he gorgeous?

The technician went out to get the doctor and they found that it seemed like there was something going on. They sent us across the hall to the specialist, who performed another ultrasound. What was said at that time: baby's guts seem to be outside when they are supposed to be in by now. It was still early so they scheduled another ultrasound for 16 weeks.

We were not sure what to think, we cried, we prayed, we talked to friends and sought counsel. Doctors even mentioned terminating the pregnancy as an option, it made me sick! They also mentioned the amniocentesis test, we refused cuz there's a risk of miscarriage, not taking any chances! We started praying for a miracle!

A couple of weeks ago we went in for the 16 week ultrasound, not much progress. Baby's guts are still out, they cannot tell much yet we have to wait again. All that was said did not matter all I saw on that ultrasound was a perfect, precious baby, MY baby. The baby we LOVE with no condition, the one God sent for us to love, protect and welcome into our family. A marvelous blessing that put a big smile on my face every time I see him!

Ever since this journey started God has been faithful on filling me/us with His perfect peace. We and everybody around us are believing in a miracle. Believing that baby will be born perfect, with no need of surgery or a stay at the hospital. We trust that we will be able to bring him home with us after his birth. We believe and our hope is on the Lord! Now don't get me wrong that doesn't mean we're not scared. But God's sweet word keep coming to my mind and heart:
13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them!
18 Were I to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand—
when I awake, I am still with you.
Psalm 139

Our baby is fearfully and wonderfully made, because God's works are wonderful. We are in awe for His faithfulness and can't wait to see what He has in store for us and for our little one!

If you read me please join us in prayer!

God is able!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The first of the year

2012 started at full speed. The main event: a non expected or planned move! Moving is always a huge amount of work, from finding a new place to packing the small stuff to moving the big furniture it is a crazy process. This particular move was more than physically tiring it was emotionally draining.

As I told you here we found out we had to move mid-November. We were not ready for it, we were not expecting it and most of all we DID NOT want to move. We've been looking into buying but have not been ready and we had such a great deal at that house: price, location, and space. It was hard to wrap our heads around the fact that we had to move. We tried everything to stay there but it is not what God has for us anymore and you know how that goes.

We looked for weeks. Places were to small, too far, too expensive, too inconvenient or they wouldn't accept Booger and we are not about to part with him, he is such an important part of our family! We got tired, discouraged, and angry. We decided to take a break for the Holidays and resume our look after New Year, when we did Bruce found a little place right up the street from where we used to live.

We went to see it, he loved it, we applied for it and the next day we had a new place to live. It wasn't that easy for me though. You see I want a three bedroom house, with a yard and enough room to fit all our stuff. Is that too much to ask? Well apparently there's more important things that I need to learn and that God wants to take care of. I threw my fit but we had already gone through the application process and to tell the truth we did not have more time to be looking, we had a lot to do and not enough time.

I was really worried that our furniture would not fit in the smaller apartment. I had a bad attitude about the whole situation and I gave Bruce a hard time! He, as usual, confronted me, listened to me, forgave me and loved me unconditionally. He does such a good job at representing Jesus in my life, I love my man. Anyway, to make an already long story not so long everything fit and I love it! I was reminded of God's care for us (we can move any time as long as we give a 30 day notice which works perfect for our plans to buy, might be sooner than we think!). I was reminded that is not the building or its size that make a home it's the people that share live with me(as long as I get to wake up to my hot man, a growing belly and a happy dog I am home!). God touched my heart by sending my mom to help us with the move and bless us with stuff we have been wanting for a while (I would have never been able to pull off all the cleaning/moving/settling by myself, specially because I get so tired and there's a lot of heavy duty work that needed to be done). All these goodness out of one move! How do I ever second guess God's moves? There another lesson! He never stops amazing me!

Now the pictures, not that you care too much but this is sort of my family's diary.

New home

Welcome to our love nest

The kitchen with the island my love got for me

The zebra moved into the office
side of the kitchen, hey I needed
to make it work!

The office on the other side of the kitchen

Livingroom and the awesome rug mom got for us!

Dinning room, so happy it fit outside of the kitchen

Panrty and Booger's food station

Guest bathroom, my decor fits!

Bruce did a great job picking the curtain

The bookshelf we transformed

Our bed fit beautifully!

The fish had to go in our room, bye bye tv,
it will be good for us!

Cool looking master bathroom, love it!
Have I mentioned how much I love making a house feel like our home? I think it worked out pretty good and no matter how long we live here we will be comfortable and happy because we have each other! What a crazy time and how many valuable lessons!

Happy 2012!