Friday, January 10, 2014

The craziest of times

The Holidays are over. We have a brand new year ahead of us with lots of hopes and dreams. We are kicking off the year in crazy mode around here. As I mentioned in my previous post we are traveling to Mexico, closing on our very first home and moving in all in the next couple of weeks! 

In true Coy fashion we seem to be doing it all at the same time and praying God will take care of the things that are not in our control! I am so excited about the house! We are getting a good deal and there are so many projects I want to take on. Our mortgage payment will be a bit higher than what we pay for rent now so all the updates will have to be done on a budget but as a frugal shopper, yard sale lover, deal hunter, etc. I am taking it as a personal challenge to accomplish an expensive look for an inexpensive price tag!

I am sure I am going to learn a lot in this process and that makes me happy! I will be posting my inspiration, projects, before/afters, and more over here so please join me int this adventure and let's learn together!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Last and First

So life has been crazy days have come and gone and I just haven't seemed to make the time to write. I like to write a last post looking back at what our year was and I had planned to write a first looking forward to what we hope this year will be but since I didn't we will count this one as both the last of 2013 and the first of 2014.

2013 started with a pregnant me about 3 months along. Pregnancy is not a happy place for me but although we were nervous we were also very excited. Most of the first half of the year the pregnancy was our main focus. I remember being nervous about finding out if it was a girl or a boy, and seriously doubting whether I would be ok if it was a girl. I was so thankful God gave me the desire of my heart and I got another boy!  Then we were worried about him being breech and me having a c-section which ended up happening and I hated the anesthesia.

May 24th was our Evan's first birthday, it was a hard day. The middle of the year brought one of my most cherished blessings. I can't say this was the year I became a mother but it was the year we finally got to take our baby home, our 4th baby. The one we get to parent and see grow. That has been bittersweet because I can't help look at him and think about my Evan and what he would be up to now. But I am beyond thankful for a healthy growing baby boy.

As you can imagine the second half of the year has been exciting. Lots of learning, enjoying, and loving. This boy has stolen our hearts and we can't imagine our life without him anymore. We have had to discipline ourselves so he would sleep through the night. We've had to give up things to care for him and we've learn what it is to love someone more than you love yourself. It has been hard at times and it's just the beginning but we wouldn't have it any other way. We are in love!

One last note about 2013 it was a little weird not being pregnant during the Holidays this year. I've been pregnant for the Holidays every year since 2010, that's 3 years in a row! 

We celebrated our Ethan's first Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. We enjoyed sweet family time. It was a quiet end of the year which was just what we needed seeing that 2014 will start with a whirlwind. We are buying our first house and going to Mexico for a week and a half all in January. We need to pack our house, get bids for a new roof, sign papers and go to underwriting before we leave then we will have some glorious time with friends and family and when we come back we will have exactly 4 days to close and move in to our new house. Saying we have lots and lots to do would be an understatement! 

Also I've been working on a few goals I have for this year to improve my spirit, soul and body.That will be in another post, now I have to go wrap up the day!