So Easter weekend didn't go as bad as I had envisioned it, actually, it went very good. Having family over was refreshing. Ashley and I got to hang out and have some girl time while the guys did some manly stuff. Our little nephew is a delight he is at that age where he's starting to talk a lot and repeats everything he hears. It was a blessed time!
On Friday Ash and I went out for a pedi while the guys stayed at home trying to put together a pool we recently got (which ended up in desaster, too windy). On Saturday we got up early and went to the flea market. Bruce and I started a Disney movie collection and we love to go out there to hunt down the ones we're missing (they love Disney to so the trip was great!). Later we met Ashley's parent's for lunch and at night it was movie time.
On Sunday we were invited to Bruce's boss' house for Easter lunch, I had to bring dessert. Bruce had in mind dirt dessert and since it went perfect with the spring theme we went for it. James, Bruce and I went shopping for all we needed, I didn't know hanging out with both of them would be such a blast! Each one is goofy enough alone but together oh my, the goofiness multiplies! I laughed as I hadn't in a long time. Easter lunch was great Bruce's boss has a large family and it was great to share with them and feel part of a family. Later that day we had an egg hunt for Tyler and Zachy. It's amazing how smart Z is, he knew the drill perfectly!
Funny fact about lil Z (I know I will want to remember this): For some strange reason that nobody understands he refuses to say the word "bear" so we have Yogi
Lil Z at the egg hunt |
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