So I'm not pregnant but it's all good. I'm learning to wait, trust and live right this moment. Count my blessings and not worry about what I don't or could have. God is God and I am not waiting stinks but I have Him.
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
10 things I am thankful for:
- Salvation, because of Jesus I get to have eternal life!
- Jesus, He is the best!
- Bruce, a lot of people out there wish they had found their life mate so I'm not going to take him for granted!
- Family, I love them!
- Food, it's delicious and yep taken for granted sometimes too.
- My job, it's been a blessing I know also a lot of people would kill to have my job so as much as I dislike it I'm thankful and try to make the best out of it (sometimes).
- Bruce's job, you have no idea how much I feared he wouldn't find a job he loved (besides firefighting, scaryyyy), but he loves it and is growing in it and he is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G at it!
- The sun, since I started running I'm rocking a nice tan!
- My doggies, they bring tons of fun times, smiles and happiness to my life.
- My bed, I love sleeping on it, it's sooo comfy!
Life is good!
i'm sorry you're not pregnant. you have a great attitude though. you inspire me :)