Friday, October 14, 2011

Pinterest inspires me

Ever since I discovered Pinterest I became an addict. Seriously I spend a lot of time there and it has turned out to be an amazing source of inspiration. Good thing Bruce thinks it's a good thing for me even when it's costing us some money, but hey all good thing cost, right? right?

Anyway, so I saw this:

And loved the idea! Halloween is not big at all at home but Thanksgiving and Christmas that's another story. We go all out! We love both holidays and love the idea to have some cute pillow cover made by yours truly. So this is how it went down.

I went to walmart and got this fabric and zippers:

And I went to JoAnn and got these zippers:

At first I thought I would try a different tutorial for the covers but I didn't want to have to spend money for both holidays so I went with this zipper tutorial so I could do what I call "double duty pillow covers". I designed, printed and cut the stensils (I failed to take a picture of those). I traced, sewed and painted my pillow covers and this is the wonderful result!:

The Christmas ones still need some work but I am
still to figure out what to do to them. I have time.
So this os how Pinterest inspired me to make something unique, thrifty and cool looking. I love my new addiction!

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