My sweet Ethan Andrew is 2 months today. I know everybody says this but I can't believe how fast time goes by. Two months and I haven't had the time to write his birth story. There are other things I could should be doing right now but I want to write this before more time passes by and I forget more of the details I want to remember.
So here we go.
This time around because of our medical history my OB was amazing at caring for us. She wanted to make sure everything was going well. We were blessed with a sensitive and capable OB that genuinely cared for our well being, not only physical but emotional.
Physically it was a textbook pregnancy with no complications. Not even a little bleeding or any cramps. We were able to hear his heartbeat at 6 weeks. Emotionally it was challenging because you can't just forget your wounds and scars. I will talk about those challenges in another post now to the happy story.
At 34 weeks we had a scan in which they told us Ethan was breech. It is not important that early on but now I know God was preparing our hearts for what was coming. We had a scan at 35w and he had flipped (head down) and another one at 36 that showed he had turned again (breech). Scans were done every week from then on with no change to be seen. At 37 weeks we started talking C-section. I was pretty frustrated because that couldn't go more against what we wanted. However, I was reminded that the important thing was that at the end no matter how I was going to hold my son in my arms and all the rest would not really matter. We kept praying but by my 38w check up we had to set a date for the C-section.
My OB had scheduled me for Thursday June 27th which was a week later. We tried to change it so my in-laws could get here but it turned out they were going to get here that morning so we decided to stick with it. So just like that June 27th became my due date. 3pm was the time, we had to show up 2 hours early to get things rolling.
That morning we woke up and didn't have breakfast because I wasn't supposed to eat anything before the surgery. We left the house at 12:30pm, stopped at the bank real quick to deposit a check and headed to the hospital. Before walking in we took a quick last belly picture and in we went.
They took me to a temporary room and hooked me up to the monitors. His heart was beating strong and I didn't have any contractions. Two hours went by and they were ready to take me to the OR. Bruce wasn't allowed in until after I had gotten the anesthesia. They did a spinal first and apparently that didn't work so they did an epidural. That was the worst of it all. I think I prefer a natural vaginal birth than an epidural any day! I felt electroshocks go down my legs and I bawled like a big baby. The worst part was that Bruce wasn't there to hold my hand. I was already very emotional because I had never wanted a C-section to begin with. So if you combine pregnancy hormones, things not going the way I wanted (again), the pain, and Bruce not being allowed in there you get: me crying my eyes out during every second of the anesthesia process. My OB was awesome though she held my hand and let me cry on her shoulder literally till it was all over.
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Daddy getting ready |
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Minutes before we met him |
They took me to a temporary room and hooked me up to the monitors. His heart was beating strong and I didn't have any contractions. Two hours went by and they were ready to take me to the OR. Bruce wasn't allowed in until after I had gotten the anesthesia. They did a spinal first and apparently that didn't work so they did an epidural. That was the worst of it all. I think I prefer a natural vaginal birth than an epidural any day! I felt electroshocks go down my legs and I bawled like a big baby. The worst part was that Bruce wasn't there to hold my hand. I was already very emotional because I had never wanted a C-section to begin with. So if you combine pregnancy hormones, things not going the way I wanted (again), the pain, and Bruce not being allowed in there you get: me crying my eyes out during every second of the anesthesia process. My OB was awesome though she held my hand and let me cry on her shoulder literally till it was all over.
Anyway, when I was ready to roll they laid me on my back on this weird operating table. Then they finally called Bruce in, it was wonderful to see him. He ran to my side, kissed my forehead and told me everything was going to be ok. I love my man. His sole presence was comforting! I don't think I was out of it at least I never felt I was. Bruce says I kind f was. I remember telling him "this is so weird because I can feel them pulling and tugging but it doesn't hurt!". Thank goodness I couldn't see what was happening on the other side of the curtain. He did and he later told me it was crazy to see me so calm when my insides were outside!
Dr. P talked to us the whole time. To hear her describe what was happening (not in detail) made the whole experience better. When she saw Ethan she said "I see him", "Oh he's so cute!", "he's almost out", "here he is!". I am so thankful for her! Once he was out Bruce ran to his side and cut his cord. Then a nurse brought him to me and when they handed him to Bruce he sat by my side and got him close enough that I could kiss his beautiful face.
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Cutting the cord |
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Feeding him to increase his blood sugar |
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First time holding him |
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He is gorgeous! |
The very first time I heard him cry I cried. After a nerve wracking pregnancy and the agony over him being breech and the doubt that lingered in the back of my mind the whole time it was glorious to hear him alive and well! Bruce kept saying "oh, he's beautiful, he's perfect babe!". I agreed.
When they wheeled me out the OR and to the recovery room I saw everyone there, my parents, Bruce's parents, Sharon, Melanie and Linda. It was beautiful to see them all and to confirm how loved we are . Ethan was born here in the States and my extended family is in Mexico City otherwise I'm sure they would all have been there to welcome our newest addition.
I still had the anesthesia effects so I wasn't allowed to hold Ethan for a while but as soon as it was ok Bruce put him on my chest while he was close just in case. By the time I made it out of the OR there was already pictures of our son all over Instagram and Facebook! His arrival was very much anticipated by many.
Although it didn't go the way I wanted it to be and to this day I ask why it really doesn't matter now. Recovery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The first couple of days it hurt a lot and I would get exhausted just taking a few steps but one look at my healthy son makes it all worth it. I would never choose to have a C-section but now I know how it is and it is not as bad as I imagined.
So this it, our Ethan Andrew's birth story. We are so blessed to have him and beyond in love with him.
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His birth announcement |
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